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【论文】卢守楠,戴建华 :《Aspiration depends on environmental factors and aspiration duration promotes cooperation in the spatial prisoner’s dilemma game》

2022-08-10  Clicks:

卢守楠,戴建华 :《Aspiration depends on environmental factors and aspiration duration promotes cooperation in the spatial prisoner’s dilemma game》,刊发于 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 2022年第10期


This paper mainly investigates the impact of the duration of aspiration and environmental factors on cooperation using the weak prisoner’s dilemma game. In real life, people’s aspiration levels are often related to the development levels of areas where they work or live. They will attempt to change the status quo when their income is below the aspiration or expectation level, and learn neighbors’ behaviors based on differences in payoffs, moreover, duration levels of aspiration are heterogeneous for different people. This research used this problem as basis to study the impact of people’s duration levels of aspiration on cooperation using the Monte Carlo simulation method. Numerous simulations show that a dynamic adjustment of aspiration at each Monte Carlo step will lead to the complete disappearance of cooperation, appropriately raising the duration level of aspiration to enhance cooperation. We also find that appropriate reference to the external environment in setting aspirations can promote cooperation. Our analytical conclusions and methods provide a new perspective for exploring the emergence and maintenance of human cooperation.

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