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【论文】孟令星,董天宇:《A Study on Factors Influencing the Use of Unmanned Driving Technology Based on TAM Model》

2022-12-23  Clicks:

孟令星,董天宇:《A Study on Factors Influencing the Use of Unmanned Driving Technology Based on TAM Model》,刊发于《Security and Communication Networks》2022年8月。


Unmanned driving technology, as an emerging digital, intelligent technology that is future-oriented, provides practical solutions to a number of transport issues. Compared with traditional manual driving, unmanned driving technology features higher entertainment and conformity, as well as higher risks and new types of cost. To study user acceptance of unmanned driving technology, the paper makes an analysis of statistical significance and regression, with a number of factors as independent variables, including perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use (as required by TAM), and perceived enjoyment, perceived risk, perceived cost, and conformity (extension of TAM), and usage intention as dependent variables. )e results show the acceptance degree of different factors of driverless technology and provide suggestions for the development of more acceptable driverless functions by users.

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