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【论文】刘成墉,董天宇,孟令星:《Cross-Border Credit Information Sharing Mechanism and Legal Countermeasures Based on Blockchain 3.0》

2022-12-23  Clicks:

刘成墉,董天宇,孟令星 :《Cross-Border Credit Information Sharing Mechanism and Legal Countermeasures Based on Blockchain 3.0》,刊发于《Mobile Information Systems》2022年6月。


The development of new technologies drives the digital transformation of the credit reporting industry and also brings new opportunities for cross-border credit reporting cooperation. This study focuses on a cross-border credit information sharing platform based on blockchain 3.0 and its legal guarantee, with an aim to promote the integrated development of credit reporting across the Taiwan Straits. This study first points out the difficulties of cross-border credit information sharing; second, the technical characteristics of blockchain such as distributed storage, point-to-point transmission, security and credibility, open source, and programmability are naturally suitable for solving the information sharing problems in the credit reporting industry. So, this study proposes a framework and a specific design of a cross-strait credit information sharing platform based on blockchain 3.0 infrastructure; finally, in order to ensure the smooth operation of the platform, this study suggests signing a series of nonnormative “soft law” documents in the principles of equality, willingness, and consultation to provide legal guarantee for cross-border credit sharing.

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