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MBA Education Centre:


Hu Ming

2019-03-28  Clicks:


Educational Background:

1985-1989 Bachelor of Economics, Department of Economics, Northwestern University

1992-1995 Master of Economics, Department of Economics, Northwestern University

1996-1999 PhD in Economics, Department of International Economics, Renmin University of China

Work Experience:

1989-1992 China Construction Bank Ningxia Yinchuan Central branch

1995-1996 School of Economics and Management, Northwestern University

1999-2006 China Construction Bank Head Office

International Exchange:

2003.12, Hong Kong, International Banking Training Course


Outstanding Communist Party Member of China University of Political Science and Law (2012)


Open macroeconomics, monetary policy, commercial banking and international commerce


Vertical Topics:

Preside over the project of the Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Sciences Research Planning Fund "Growthist Development Model and its Transformation", project approval number: 11YJA790047. Closed item.

Academic Achievements:

Hu Ming, Fang Min, 2023, Adam Smith's Criticism of Mercantilism and Its Errors, Bulletin of the History of Economic Thought, No.1

Hu Ming, 2019, On the History of Political Economy, Economic Management Press

Hu Ming, 2015, "The Empirical Evidence of Clarifying Economics in the Post-crisis Era", Economic Research, No.5

Hu Ming, 2014a, The Theory of State Instruments for Modern Firms: Based on an Empirical Study of Chartered Companies in Western Europe in the 16th and 17th Centuries, Journal of China University of Political Science and Law, No. 2

Hu Ming, 2014b, The Methodological Roots of Legal Person Ownership Disputes, Political Science and Law Forum, No. 3

Hu Ming, 2011, Sustainable Economic Development in Asia: Focusing on Human Development: A Review of the International Symposium on Human Development Economics, Reform and Strategy, No. 8

Hu Ming, 2010, China's Financial Supervision and the Rational choice of the State, Financial Research, 2

Hu Ming, 2008, The Historical School and the Special Development Path of Germany, German Studies, No. 3

Hu Ming, Fang Min, Did the empirical and normative dichotomy of economics Collapse in 2011? Jiangsu Social Science, No.5

Hu Ming, Fang Min, 2009, The Debate on Value Judgment and its Implications, Jiangsu Social Sciences, No.3

Hu Ming, 2016, The Empirical Method of Economics and the Principle of Value Neutrality, Economic Management Press.

The Economy of Free Choice: A Normative Theory of Political Economy by Mark Tour (Second translator), Huaxia Press, 2012.

4. Courses taught

Money and banking, Commercial banking, Management of multinational corporations, macroeconomics, economic methodology.

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