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Yu Miao

2020-09-03  Clicks:


Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor. He received a doctoral degree in economics from Renmin University of China. He completed his Postdoctoral program about management science and engineering at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Visiting Professor at Regent’s University, London. Reviewer of National Nature Science Foundation of China. Vice Chairman of the Degree Committee. Director of Big data and Smart Logistics Research Center, CUPL. Chief scientist of the China Unicom Intelligent legal Corps. Counselor of Lenovo, China Shenhua Energy Company Limited and Beijing Urban Construction Group. 20 SSCI/SCI Papers have been Recruited/Online/Retrieved in the past three years.  Nearly 20 government and enterprise projects, including 2 National Nature Science Foundation Projects of China in the past five years.

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下一条:Mu Fengli
