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Business History Institute 2019

2020-03-30  Clicks:

1. Teaching

In 2019, faculty of the institute undertake 20 undergraduate modules including Banking and Finance (English & Chinese), Finance, China Economic History, History of Western Economic Thoughts and Theories, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Great Divergence: China and the World, United Front and the Rule of Law, Political Economics (II), Economics of Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Financial Risk Management (English & Chinese), Seminar on the History of Chinese Enterprise Reforms and other modules.

The institute undertakes postgraduate modules including History of China's Economic Development, History of Foreign Economic Development, History of Chinese and Foreign Economic Thoughts and Theories, Comparative Studies of Economic Institutions and Systems, Topics on Monetary Finance, Financial Engineering, Financial Economics, History of Contemporary Chinese Enterprise Reforms, Cliometrics, Topics on Chinese and Foreign Financial History and our faculty also work as supervisors of PhD in World Economy programme.

Dr. Chen Qiming won the Teaching Excellence Award of China University of Political Science and Law, and Associate Prof. Yue Qingtang was named the Outstanding Undergraduate Academic Tutor of the CUPL Business School.

Additionally, in terms of teaching outside the classroom, the Institute’s teaching works include the guidance of undergraduate graduation dissertation, as well as academic year essay writing (Cheng’s programme); guidance of applying for the innovation and entrepreneurship projects. Moreover, faculty of the institute served as academic tutors for the undergraduates of the faculties of Capital Finance, Economics and Business Administration and actively participated in the guidance and activities in the second class.

In 2019, the faculty also guided graduate students (including MBA students and doctoral students) in daily study, reading clubs, academic activities, scientific research training, application and approval of innovation and entrepreneurship projects, and guided them in writing reading reports, academic year essays, and degree thesis.

2. Academic Research

In 2019, a total of 16 papers were published, including 5 papers in journal C and 1 paper in journal B, and our academic staff participated in the writing of 2 textbooks on Marxist Theoretical Research and Construction Projects, which are China Economic History and World Economic History, and also published 4 monographs, including 1 translation project funded by the publishing house.

On May 27, 2019, the Institute held the academic report Concordance and complementarity in Intellectual Property Instruments in Xueyuan road campus of CUPL and the speaker is the Italian scholar Marco Grazzi.

On November 7, 2019, the 4th Jimen Economic History Forum and the Seminar on the 70-year History of Entrepreneurs and Enterprises in New China were held.

3. Academic Reputation

During the period from April 15 to 17, 2019, Prof. Wu Yunxian participated in the textbook training session of World Economic History and lectured on the topic of The Formation and Development of the Modern World Economy. Nearly 50 outstanding teachers from universities across the nation attended the training and discussions and good training results were achieved.

On April 18, 2019, Prof. Wu Yunxian participated in the compilation meeting of the History of China Industry as a review expert.

From May 6th to 8th, 2019, Professor Wu Yunxian conducted teacher training at the Higher Education Institute of Jiangsu Province, and lectured on the Theoretical Methods and Framework of World Economic History: an example of the Formation and Development of Modern World Economy.

In July 2019, Prof. Wu Yunxian was elected as council member of the national society for the history of Marxist-Leninist economic theory.

On October 12, 2019, Prof. Li Xiao, as the Vice President of the China's Society of Business History, presided over the Cargo Production Forum - Prosperity in Business and Trade; and Prof. Li also made a keynote speech at the Economic Thoughts Forum of Peking University in December.

4. Social Services

On October 12, 2019, Prof. Li Xiao guided the corporate culture of 3 listed companies. 

In 2019, Associate Prof. Yue Qingtang served as the special inspector of the Beijing Municipal Taxation Bureau. At the same time, as a member of the CPPCC of Changping District, he put forward two proposals and received attention and handled them to contribute to the development of regional society. 

In November 2019, a non-editing research institute of the China Entrepreneurs Research Center was established.
